Live Scan Fingerprinting FAQ

In California, a Live Scan is a mandatory requirement for many individuals, including those in the healthcare, education, and childcare industries. But what exactly is a Live Scan, and how does it work? In this article, we’ll break down the cost, process, and more to help you understand the ins and outs of California Live Scan.

How much does a CA Live Scan cost?

The cost of a Live Scan in California varies depending on the location and the type of service provider. On average, the cost ranges from 30 to 100, with some providers charging as low as 20 or as high as 150. It’s essential to note that some employers or organizations may cover the cost of the Live Scan as part of their hiring process.

Can you do a live scan online?

No, Live Scan is a physical process that requires the submission of fingerprints to the California Department of Justice (DOJ) for processing. While some companies may offer online fingerprinting services, these services are not the same as a Live Scan and may not be accepted by the California DOJ.

How long does Livescan take?

The processing time for a Live Scan can vary depending on the volume of submissions and the workload of the California DOJ. Typically, the processing time can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks. Some providers may offer expedited processing for an additional fee.

What shows up on California Live Scan?

A California Live Scan includes a search of the applicant’s fingerprints against the California Department of Justice (DOJ) database, which includes:

  • Convictions and arrests in California
  • FBI database records
  • Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) records
  • Other relevant criminal records

Does California DMV do Live Scan?

No, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) does not perform Live Scan services. Live Scan services are typically provided by authorized fingerprinting vendors or law enforcement agencies.

Is Live Scan the same as a background check?

No, a Live Scan is a specific type of background check that involves the submission of fingerprints to the California DOJ for processing. A Live Scan is often required for individuals who work with vulnerable populations, such as children or the elderly.

How far back does California Live Scan go?

The California Live Scan process searches for criminal records dating back to the applicant’s birthdate. This means that the search will include all criminal records, including juvenile records, that occurred prior to the applicant’s birthdate.

What is the new Live Scan law in California?

In 2020, California passed Assembly Bill 2147, which requires Live Scan fingerprinting for certain healthcare workers, including those who provide direct patient care. The law aims to improve patient safety and prevent medical errors.

Do you have to do Live Scan more than once?

In most cases, a Live Scan is a one-time requirement. However, some individuals may need to undergo a Live Scan more than once if they change employers or move to a new role that requires a Live Scan. It’s essential to check with your employer or the relevant regulatory agency to determine if a Live Scan is required.

In conclusion, a California Live Scan is a mandatory requirement for many individuals who work with vulnerable populations. Understanding the cost, process, and requirements of a Live Scan can help you navigate the process and ensure compliance with California regulations.